
FamilySAFE provides EF5-tested above-ground and underground tornado shelters and safe rooms.

Welcome to the FamilySAFE Blog!

bolted2Welcome to the FamilySAFE blog! We are excited that you’ve found your way here and are eager to provide you with an overview of what topics we’ll be covering in this section of our site. Whether this is your first time visiting our blog, or you’re a frequent visitor, we wanted to stop by and provide you with more information on the types of posts that you can count on finding when visiting our site!

As the leading provider in high-quality storm shelters and tornado sellers, you’ll find that there are quite a few things that make us different from the other brands. In the time that we have developed as a business, we have seen plenty of growth in the knowledge and production of our product, which has allowed for us to incorporate this knowledge into our storm shelters. In our blog post, we will cover topics that will help you develop a better understanding of our product, and storms in general. Below is an overview of the topics that you can look forward to reading about.

Storm Knowledge

The impact that storms have when they roll through is something else, but what we don’t often look at is the science that goes into creating these storms that we require protection from. Part of being so determined to create adequate and reliable protection for storms is understanding storms themselves. This is something that we have spent quite a bit of time working to understand and it’s something that we are excited to share with you. Things like:

  • Signs that a Storm is Forming.
  • Different Phases of a Storm.
  • How Storms Start Out.

Storm Shelter Tips

When you live in a state where tornadoes are expected, then you can count on using your storm shelter at some point or another. When that time comes, you’re going to need to know how to use your storm shelter and have an idea of how to prepare for storms. This is for your safety, as well as that of your family, during a storm. We will cover subjects like:

  • What to Stock Your Storm Shelter With.
  • Determining Which Size of Tornado Shelter is Best for You.
  • How Long Should You Wait In a Storm Shelter Before it’s Safe.

ssgalpic5History & Stats

Storms have an incredible force, and it’s from some of the worst storms in history that we are able to continue to perfect our design and model. We want to review some of the history and statistics of storms so that you can learn about some of the crazy storm chases and tornado hits that have ever happened. We will review:

  • Some of the Biggest Storms to Happen.
  • Famous Storm Chasers.
  • How Storms are Scaled.

There are plenty of fun topics that we have coming down the pipeline and we are extremely excited to provide you with more knowledge on the main reason that tornado shelters are so needed in tornado alley. But, at the end of the day, our goal here at FamilySAFE is to ensure that you and your family have the protection that you need when a storm hits. Reach out to one of our distributors today and let us install one of high-quality storm shelters into your home today!