
FamilySAFE provides EF5-tested above-ground and underground tornado shelters and safe rooms.


Essential Supplies You Should Have in Your Safe Room

Safety and preparedness are paramount when it comes to protecting your family during extreme weather events. Having a safe room in your house, especially a steel safe room from FamilySAFE, can ensure that your loved ones have a secure shelter during storms and emergencies. Read on to learn about the essential supplies that you should keep in your storm safe room to guarantee your family’s safety and well-being and contact us today to start planning your safe room in your home.

Canned Goods

Water and Non-Perishable Food

Stock your safe room with an ample supply of water and non-perishable food items to sustain your family for several days. Include items like granola bars, canned goods, and dried fruits to ensure you have sustenance during an emergency.

First aid kit

First Aid Kit and Medication

A well-equipped first aid kit is crucial for handling minor injuries or medical emergencies. Ensure your safe room contains essential medical supplies, medications, bandages, and antiseptics to address any health concerns that may arise.

Flashlights and batteries on table

Flashlight, Batteries, and Emergency Lighting

In the event of a power outage, having reliable lighting sources is essential. Include flashlights, batteries, and emergency lanterns in your safe room to illuminate the space and ensure visibility during dark moments.

Stack of blankets

Blankets, Clothing, and Personal Hygiene Items

Keep a supply of blankets, warm clothing, and personal hygiene items in your safe room to stay comfortable and maintain hygiene during extended stays. Include extra clothing layers, hygiene products, and cozy blankets for each family member.

Creating a well-stocked safe room in your house is a proactive measure to ensure your family’s safety and well-being during emergencies. By including essential supplies like water, food, first aid kits, lighting, blankets, and personal hygiene items in your steel safe room from FamilySAFE, you can be fully prepared to face any storm or disaster with confidence and peace of mind. Trust FamilySAFE to provide you with top-of-the-line safe room solutions tailored to keep your family safe and secure in times of need.

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