
FamilySAFE provides EF5-tested above-ground and underground tornado shelters and safe rooms.

feature - How to Maintain Your Storm Shelter Properly

How to Maintain Your Storm Shelter Properly

FamilySAFE Shelters, located in Owasso, Oklahoma wants homeowners to have peace of mind that their family and pets will be safe when severe weather strikes. We provide new construction on storm shelters for homeowners looking to add a safety feature to their homes. However, it’s important to remember that storm shelters require regular maintenance in order to remain functional. Here are some tips for how to maintain your storm shelter properly:

Clean Frequently

If you own a storm shelter it is important to maintain a clean interior. Shelters should be visited at least once a month and properly cleaned because they are not susceptible to outdoor elements during summer, fall, and winter. Cleaning should include sweeping, wiping down the interior, and dusting to make the space more comfortable should you need to use it.

Proper Ventilation

When you perform monthly cleanings of the storm shelter you may notice more insects during certain seasons. It is important to spray for insects so they don’t invade your stockpile and to control any infestations. After using cleaning supplies and insecticide your shelter will need proper ventilation, so no one is exposed to harsh chemicals when they enter the shelter.

Check For Damage

It is important to replace any damaged or worn-out components of your storm shelter. This includes the door, hinges, latches, and other parts that can become damaged over time. If the door or other parts are not working correctly, you need to replace them so that the storm shelter remains secure.

Replace Inventory

Storm shelters should always have food, water, emergency kits, batteries, and other supplies. To maintain your shelter, you need to keep track of its inventory by replenishing and replacing items with up-to-date supplies. Having a regular tracking system will improve the efficiency of replacing supplies.

By following FamilySAFE Shelters’ tips, you can ensure that your storm shelter is maintained properly and that it will provide the necessary protection during severe weather. If you have any questions about how to maintain your storm shelter, call us and we will provide you with additional information.

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