
FamilySAFE provides EF5-tested above-ground and underground tornado shelters and safe rooms.

feature - What’s the Difference Between a Safe Room and a Storm Shelter

What’s the Difference Between a Safe Room and a Storm Shelter?

The terms safe room and storm shelter have been used interchangeably for years. But when it comes to protecting your family and yourself from extreme weather and other dangers, it is important to know the difference between the two. FamilySAFE Shelters, located in Oklahoma, wants our customers to be properly informed so they can make the best decision for themselves. Learn more about what each of these structures entail and let us help you construct your own emergency shelter.

Safe Room

A safe room is a fortified room that’s designed to provide protection from a variety of threats, such as home invasions, tornadoes, hurricanes, and more. The walls, doors, and windows are constructed using materials that are resistant to bullets, wind, and debris. In addition, the room is typically equipped with communication devices and other safety items including a security system and a panic button.

Storm Shelter

A storm shelter is specifically designed to withstand winds of up to 250 mph as well as debris from tornadoes. These structures are typically made from reinforced concrete and are either above-ground or underground but still separate from the house. They are also equipped with communication devices, ventilation systems, and other safety items that can accommodate several people at a time.

Which One Is Right for You?

The main difference between a safe room and a storm shelter is the level of protection they both provide. Safe rooms can protect you from a variety of threats and a storm shelter’s purpose is to specifically protect you from natural elements and withstand EF5 Tornados.

The best choice for a homeowner depends on where they currently reside and the level of threats they expect to occur. If you want immediate protection in an emergency, then a safe room would be the best option. But if you are planning for natural threats in the future then a storm shelter would be best.

There isn’t a correct choice between safe rooms and storm shelters. Customers have to choose the shelter that they feel will protect them the most. FamilySAFE Shelters wants to help clients come to a decision and make it a reality. For more information on how you can get started, contact us today!

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